Name Of The Department :

Department of Nephrology, S.C.B. Medical College Cuttack.

Departmental Overview:

The post-doctoral department of Nephrology started in 1969 as a subunit of department of Medicine. Subsequently, it was separated from the parent department of Medicine as an independent department in the year 1975, headed by Prof (Dr.) G C Dash. In the year 2012, the first renal transplant was performed successfully and was the starting point of the renal transplant program in SCBMCH. In 2013, the DM (Nephrology) course was started and is continuing with a current annual intake of 4 students. On 4th March, 2020, the first cadaveric renal transplant was performed successfully under the State Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization under the exemplary leadership of late Prof (Dr.) Chitta Ranjan Kar and the current Dean and Principal, Prof (Dr) Datteswar Hota and their expert team.

Now the department is running under Prof (Dr) SB Rout assisted by 2 Assistant Professors.

What the department deals.

  • Forty beds, Twenty one dialysis stations, CAPD, Post Transplant Ward, Independent dialysis unit for COVID patients (4 beds), Dialysis station in Central ICU (1 bed) and Trauma ICU (1 bed)
Department Started : Department Started By Whom : Current HOD:
1975 Prof. Dr. G.C Das Prof. Dr. S.B. Rout

Facilities Available Including Investigation :

  • 2 OPDs per week (Tuesday and Thursday)
  • Renal Transplant OPD(Monday)
  • Hemodialysis, Acute PD, CAPD,
  • Renal Biopsy,
  • Kidney Transplant


Dr. Aruna Acharya

Dr. Aruna Acharya
Incharge HOD, Associate Professor
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Dr. Rakesh Kumar Routray

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Routray
Assistant Professor
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