Dr. Suhasini Dehury

Dr. Suhasini Dehury

Associate Professor

Dr. Suhasini Dehury

Associate Professor
OCMR Regd. No.:
Email: drsuhasinidehury@gmail.com
Permanent Address: At-Badambadi, Arundeo Market, Cuttack-753012. Odisha .
Correspondence Address: CB-6 , B-2, Cantonment Road, Cuttack-753001. Odisha
Course Name Name of PG Degree Area of Specialization/ Specialty Year of Qualifying degree Name of University / Institute
MBBS 1992 MKCG Medical College.Berhampur Berhampur University
PG Degree MD Pharmacology 1998 Sambalpur university VSS Medical College BURLA
Post Doctoral Qualification
  1. Tripathy R, Pattnaik KP, Dehury S, Patro S, Mohanty P, Sahoo SS, et al. Cutaneous adverse drug reactions with fixed dose combinations: Special reference to self medication and preventability. IJP. 2018;50(4).
  2. Swain TR, Rath B, Dehury S, Tarei A, Das P, Samal R, et al. Pricing and availability of some essential child specific medicines in Odisha. IJP.2015;47(5):496-501.
  3. Effect of ethanol extract of curcuma longa on aspirin induced gastric injury.(gross morphology and histopathology study
    Dr Kali Prasad Pattnaik, Dr Suhasini Dehury, Dr Rajashree Samal, Dr Narayan Mallick. Journal of medical science and clinical research. Vol-05 issue-04,march2017 19680-88.ISSN 2455-0450, ICV=83.27
  4. Effect of aloe vera leaf extract in animal model of ulcerative colitis.
    Suhasini Dehury, Jewa Tripathy. European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research,2017,4(5),346-350. ISSN 2394-3211, ICV=45.77 (STS-ICMR)
  5. Hepatoprotective effect of S-Adenosyl L methionine against Isoniazid induced hepatitis in animal model.
    Suhasini Dehury, KP Pattnaik, Ashranti Kar et al. Journal of evidence based medicine and health care/vol 4/issue 41/2017.pISS no- 2349/252.
    Eissn no- 2349-270, ICV = 78.84(ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE)
  6. Pricing and availability of some essential child specific medicines in Odisha.
    Trupti Rekha Swain, Bandana Rath, Suhasini Dehury, Anjali Tarai, Priti Das, Rajashree
    Samal, Satyajit Samal, Harshavardhan Nayak. Indian journal of Pharmacology 2015 vol-47:496-501.
  7. Pain Abdomen in a child Aggravated after Treatment with Ciprofloxacin, Metronidazole and Tramadol: A Case Study.
    Kali Prasad pattnaik, Suhasini Dehury, Ratikanta Tripathy, Swaym Sourav Sahoo.
    International Journal of medical Research Professionals 2016.ISSN (P)- 2454-6356, VOL-2,ISSUE-1:189-91.
  8. Prescribing Pattern of antibiotics in community –aquired pneumonia in a teaching hospital of southeast Asia.
    Sanjay kumar, Divya agarwal, Soumya santra,
    Suhasini Dehury,Priti Das, Trupti Rekha Swain. Journal of Health Research and Reviews. Sept-dec 2015,vol 2,issue3.
  9. Study of anti inflammatory effect of neem seed oil (Azadiracta indica) on infected albino rats.
    Manas Ranjan naik,Ayon Bhattacharya, Rashmirekha Behera, Suhasini Dehury, Sanjay Kumar. Journal of Health Research and Reviews. Sept-dec 2014,vol 1,issue3.
  10. Anti-inflamatory Effect of neem leaf extract on Albino Rats.
    Ayon Bhattacharya, Rashmirekha Behera, Divya Agarwal, Suhasini Dehury, Sanjay Kumar and Trupti Rekha Sawin. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and , Chemical Sciences. ISSN: 0975-8585 Sept-OCT 2014,vol 5 (5),p-1431-1435.
  11. Cutaneous adverse drug reactions with fixed dose combinations: Special reference to self medication and preventability.
    Ratikanta Tripathy, Kali Prasad Pattnaik, Suhasini Dehury, Sibsis patro, Prasanjeet Mohanty, Swayam Sourav Sahoo, Srikanta Mohanty. Indian jouranal of Pharmacology – Volume 50, Issue 4, July- August 2018
  12. Diuretic effect of Niphedipine in Albino Rabbits.
    J.Jena, S.Dehury, G.C.Samal. Journal of Vivekananda Institute of Medical Science VOL 24 (1) 2001,ISSN-0970-4396,.
  13. Efficacy of Peppermint Oil in Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    Dehury S, Das HS, Patra A,Pradhan R. Efficacy of Peppermint Oil in Irritable
    Bowel Syndrome. Journal of Med Science and Health 2022; 8(1):35-41
  14. Pharmacovigilance in geriatric patients—A Prospective Observational Study in a Tertiary Hospital.
    Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2022 Jan, Vol-16(1): FC11-FC14
    satyabrata sahoo, Suhasini Dehury, KaliprasadPattnaik, Namita Mohapatra, Dhirendra Nath Maharana

1. Authorize Reviewer of Indian Journal of Pharmacology.
2. As Trainer
Better Medicines for Children – India
Training Program for Pharmacists in Orissa on Drug Supply Chain Management
supported by World Health Organization, SEARO, New Delhi 2012.
3. Trained In :
i. Pharmacoeconomics
ii. Protocol writing &research methodology.
iii.Revised ethical guideline by ICMR 2017.
iv. Pharmacovigilance.
v. CISP-I and II organized by MCI.