- Office bearers:
- The President-1, President Elect-1, Past-President-1
- The Vice-President (Intra-mural)-1
- The Vice-President (Extra-mural)-2
- The Secretary-1, Joint Secretary-1
- The Treasurer-1
- Website cum Social Media Secretary (WCSMS)-1
- Events Management Secretary-1
- The Editor-1
- Terms of Office
- The office bearers shall hold office for three-year terms.
- The terms of the President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be staggered in that order such that only one of them need be appointed each year.
- If any of these three is unable to complete his/her normal term, an interim incumbent is to be appointed for the duration of the remaining term, such that the staggering arrangement is not disturbed.
- Eligibility to office
- The Dean & Principal will be the Chief Patron of the SCB MC association.
- Superintendant will be the Patron of the SCB MC Alumni association.
- The Vice-President (Intra-mural) shall normally be an alumni who is a staff of the College.
- The Vice-President (Extra-mural) shall be a mem-ber who is not on the staff of the College. If he/she joins the staff of the College, they shall demit of-fice.
- For all officers, other than the Vice-President (Ex-tra-mural), only members of the Association who are on the staff of the College, but are not “Admin-istrative Officers” of the College, may hold office.
- Besides the office bearers of EC, there will be 4 ECM (EC member) who shall be extramural mem-bers (who will not be faculty members of SCB MCH). They shall be co-opted by the EC.
- Appointments
All appointments of Officers shall be by election during the Annual General Body Meetings (AGMs) to which EC may make recommendations are this regard. When an office becomes vacant in between AGMs, the EC shall make an interim appointment till the next AGM.