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- Panda M, Kar K. HIV, hepatitis B and C infection status of the blood donors in a blood bank of a tertiary health care centre of Orissa. Indian Journal of Public Health. 2008 Jan 1;52(1):43.
- Paul B, Mohapatra B, Kar K. Maternal deaths in a tertiary health care centre of Odisha: an in-depth study supplemented by verbal autopsy. Indian journal of community medicine: official publication of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine. 2011 Jul;36(3):213.
- Kar K, Panda M. Profile of Students taking admission to a medical college in Odisha – A trend analysis. Indian journal Preventive Social Medicine. 2012; 43:3:260-263.
- Bhatta A, Kar K, Mishra K. Treatment outcome of inpatient malaria cases: A study in a tertiary care hospital of Odisha, India. Journal of Vector Borne Diseases. 2014 Dec 1;51(4):343.
- Biswas M, Kar K, Satpathy DM, Giri PP. A study on drop out among animal bite cases (provoked versus unprovoked) attending the ARV clinic SCB Medical College, Cuttack. APCRI J. 2014;15:21-3.
- Kar K, Bhatta A, Satapathy DM. Perception of nursing students on human rabies and its prevention-a study conducted in a nursing school of Odisha. The Aims and Objectives of APCRI. 2015 Jul:16.
- Mishra A, Kar K, Satapathy D. Mass drug administration against filariasis-a study on coverage and compliance, in a coastal district of Odisha. J Commun Dis. 2015;47(4):13-8.
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- Panda M, Kar K, Mishra K. Evaluation of Basic Course Workshop Conducted in a Medical College. J. Evid. Based Med Health C. 2017; 4(65) 3895-3900.
- Kar K, Pradhan S, Samal BP. Nutritional Status of School Children in an Urban Area of Odisha – A Comparative Study in Govt. versus Private School, J. Medical Sci & Clinical Res. 2018; 6(6):73-78.
- Kar K, Pradhan S, Samal BP. Morbidity pattern of school children: A study conducted in the urban field practice area of a tertiary health care centre of Odisha, India. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2018 Jul;6(7):2489-94.
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Dr. Sudhira Kumar Parida |
- Bhatta A, Parida SK, Bhoi T, Sethi S, etal. Care Seeking Behavior of the Rural Older Adults in Odisha: Findings from the AHSETS Study. Int J Acad Med Pharm. 2022; 4(5); 485 – 490.
- Sethy R, Bhatta A, Parida SK, Sethi S. Health Care Accessibility Among Rural Population in Mayurbhanj and Jagatsinghpur District of Odisha: A mixed-method study. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. 2022; 13(8); 855 – 62.
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Dr. Devi Kalyan Mishra |
- Mishra Devi Kalyan, Kar Krishna, Panda Manasee (2013, Oct). Prevalence of Risk Factors for Cardiovascular diseases among Adults in a slum area of Cuttack City, Odisha-Journal Academia of Industrial Research (JAIR), Vol 2, Issue 5, October 2013.
- Mishra Devi Kalyan (2016,Feb). Bioterrorism from a Public Health Perspective. Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis,2016, Feb;2(ISSN2382-6444):24-30.
- Das AK, Mishra. S, Mishra DK and Gopalan SS. (2020, Nov). Machine learning to predict 5-year Survival among Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia patients and development of OSPAM-C online Survival Tool. Journal of Quality in Health Care and Economics, 3(6 ), 1-8.
- Mishra Devi Kalyan & Tripathy Nalinikanta. (2019, April). Use of Twitter Application as an Emerging Tool for Creating Awareness and Advocacy for Public Health Diseases: A Study on Mental Health Issues in India. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 20(1),(18-24).
- Mishra DK, Triathy NK, Mahanty B, Buda B, Behera MK(2020,Jan). To Study Smoking Violations through global positioning system-enabled mobile app, in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Indian J Community Med 2020;45(1):66-71.
- Das A, Mishra DK, Gopalan SS. Effect of Intravesical Chemotherapy on the Survival of Patients with Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Undergoing Transurethral Resection: A Retrospective Cohort Study Among Older Adults. TOUNJ.2021; 14(20).
- Das A, Mishra DK, Gopalan SS. Prevalence and Predictors of Influenza Vaccination Among Adults with High-Risk Conditions, United States, 2019.J Health Care and Research.2021Aug 02:2(3):137-45.
- Das A, Mishra DK, Gopalan SS. Survival Prediction for Bladder Cancer using Machine Learning BlaCaSurv online survival prediction application. medRxiv.20220
- Das A, Mishra DK, Gopalan SS. Reduced Access to Care among Older American Adults during the CoVID-19 Pandemic: results from a prospective cohort study. J Clin Images Med Case Rep. 2021; 2(4): 1240.
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Dr. Manoja Bhuyan |
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Dr. Madan Mohan Majhi |
Research article |
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Nandini SR, Prem S, Kshitij R, Ravi S, Mohan MM. Non‑partner sexual violence victimization among female medical undergraduates. J Family Med Prim Care. 2022; 11:1158-61 |
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Lal P, Batra M, Majhi MM, Ahuja P, Bhatnagar N. Occupational health hazards of rickshaw pullers in lower middle income Country, India. Indian J Occup Environ Med 2022;26:281-4 |
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Majhi MM, Borle AL, Lal P, Meena M, Ramani KV. Vaccination with Routine Childhood Vaccines and Severity of COVID-19 among Children in Delhi. Indian Pediatrics. 2021; PMID: 34845990. |
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Majhi MM, Bhatnagar N. Updated B.G Prasad’s classification for the year 2021: consideration for new base year 2016. J Family Med Prim Care. 2021; 10:4318-9. |
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Majhi MM, Singh MM, Borle AL, Rajiv A. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards COVID-19 among Undergraduate Students in a Medical College of Delhi. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2021; 12(2):190-6 |
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GRID COVID-19 Study Group. Combating the COVID-19 pandemic in a resource-constrained setting: insights from initial response in India. BMJ global health. 2020; 5(11):e003416. |
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Majhi MM, Mishra CP, Mishra SP. Elevated Blood Triglycerides and its Predictors in Rural Adult Population: Findings from Central India. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2019; 8(3):56-58. |
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Majhi MM, Mishra CP, Shankar P, Khanam Z. Nutritional status vis-a-vis iodine deficiency in children of” Save Our Soul” children’s village in rural Varanasi: a micro-level study. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2017; 5(7):3178. |
Book Chapter |
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GRID COVID-19 Study Group. Stigma Mechanisms in a Globalized Pandemic in India: a Theoretical Framework for Stigma. In: Pachauri S, Pachauri A, editors. Health Dimensions of COVID-19 in India and Beyond. New York. Springer Publishing. [Accepted for publication] |
Chapter in Online ePG Pathshala |
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CP Mishra, MM Majhi. Population and Environment. In: the subject Social Medicine and Community Health. e-PG Pathshala as an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) by the UGC. Available online on https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/ahl.php?csrno=45 |
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CP Mishra, MM Majhi. Water Security and Rain water harvesting. In: the subject Social Medicine and Community Health. e-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) by the UGC. Available online on https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/ahl.php?csrno=455 |
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Dr. Shaswati Sahu |
- Sahu S, Biswas M. A Study on Clinico-Social Profile of Animal Bite Cases Attending an Anti-Rabies Clinic of a Tertiary Care Hospital, Odisha-A Cross Sectional Study. Journal of Communicable Diseases (E-ISSN: 2581-351X & P-ISSN: 0019-5138). 2022 Sep 30;54(3):1-5.
- Mohanty Minakshi & Sahu Saswati & Jena Sushanta. (2021). A study on socio-clinical profile and associated risk factors of stroke patients admitted to neurology department of SCB medical college, Cuttack, Odisha. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 10. 92. 10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20215037.
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Dr. Sasmita Pradhan |
Kar K, Pradhan S, Samal BP. Nutritional Status of School Children in an Urban Area of Odisha – A Comparative Study in Govt. versus Private School, J. Medical Sci & Clinical Res. 2018; 6(6):73-78 |
Kar K, Pradhan S, Samal BP. Morbidity pattern of school children: A study conducted in the urban field practice area of a tertiary health care centre of Odisha, India. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2018 Jul;6(7):2489-94. |
Pradhan S, Kar K, Samal BP, Pradhan J. Assessment of knowledge and practice of menstrual hygiene among school going adolescent girls in an urban area of Odisha: A cross sectional study. |
Bhatia V, Parida SP, Mahajan PB, Pradhan S. Operational issues and lessons learned during National Iron Plus Initiative documentation in Eastern India. Indian Journal of Community and Family Medicine. 2019 Jan 1;5(1):10. |
PATRA A, PRADHAN S, PANDA SK. Assessment of Vaccine Wastage in an Immunisation Clinic of a Tertiary Care Centre in Western Odisha-A Cross-sectional Study. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research. 2021 Dec 1;15(12). |
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Dr Pragyna Paramita Das |
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Dr. Smarnika Dash |