Prof. (Dr.) Manoranjan Pattnaik
Professor & HOD
Prof. (Dr.) Manoranjan Pattnaik
Professor & HOD
OCMR Regd. No.: 8801
Email: manoranjanm2015@gmail.com
Permanent Address: Plot no-82C/432, Sector-8, CDA, Markatnagar, Cuttack,753014
Correspondence Address: Plot no-82C/432, Sector-8, CDA, Markatnagar, Cuttack,753014
Course Name | Name of PG Degree | Area of Specialization/ Specialty | Year of Qualifying degree | Name of University / Institute |
- Wetterslev M, Hylander Møller M, Granholm A, Hassager C, Haase N, Lange T, Myatra SN, Hästbacka J, Arabi YM, Shen J, Cronhjort M, Lindqvist E, Aneman A, Young PJ, Szczeklik W, Siegemund M, Koster T, Aslam TN, Bestle MH, Girkov MS, Kalvit K, Mohanty R, Mascarenhas J, Pattnaik M, Vergis S, Haranath SP, Shah M, Joshi Z, Wilkman E, Reinikainen M, Lehto P, Jalkanen V, Pulkkinen A, An Y, Wang G, Huang L, Huang B, Liu W, Gao H, Dou L, Li S, Yang W, Tegnell E, Knight A, Czuczwar M, Czarnik T, Perner A; AFIB-ICU Collaborators Atrial Fibrillation (AFIB) in the ICU: Incidence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes: The International AFIB-ICU Cohort Study Crit Care Med 2023 Sep 1;51(9):1124-1137.
- Chandrasekaran Padmapriyadarsini, JohnD. Szumowski, Nabila Akbar, Prema Shanmugasundaram, Anilkumar Jain, Marasamy Bathragiri, Manoranjan Pattnaik, Jyotirmayee Turuk, Ramesh Karunaianantham, Senthilkumar Balakrishnan, Sangamitra Pati, HemanthK. AgibothuKupparam, ManojKumar Rathore, Jegadeesh Raja, K. RaghuNaidu, John Horn, Laura Whitworth, Roger Sewell, Lalita Ramakrishnan, Soumya Swaminathan, Paul H. Edelstein A dose-finding study to guide use of verapamil as an adjunctive therapy in tuberculosis, Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2023 November 20; 115 (2): 324-332. Doi:10.1002/cpt.3108.
- MR Pattnaik, JK Patra. Onkar Jha, Endobronchial ultrasound sonographic characteristics of mediastinal lymph node in evaluation of lung cancer international journal Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 2023 Sep 5.doi: 10.4081/monaldi.2023.2662.
- Prognostic evaluation of quick sequential organ failure assessment score in ICU patients with sepsis across diferent income settings, Critical care (2024) https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-024-04804-7.
- Elisha Paikray, Priti Das, Manoranjan Pattnaik. Vedvyas Mishra Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring in Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients Receiving Bedaquiline and Delamanid-Based Regimen. International journal on Cureus 2022: 10.7759/cureus.30764
- A Tripathy, TR Swain, KP Swain, MR Pattnaik, JP Sahoo Quantification of Epistemic Capacity and Physical Frailty in Chronic Kidney Disease: Koch’s Disease Co-infection 2023 May 21;15(5):e39290.doi: 10.7759/cureus.39290. eCollection 2023 May.
- Tripathy A, Sahoo JP, Pattnaik M, Swain TR. Effects of the Modified Antitubercular Treatment Regimen on Renal Function in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease and Pulmonary Tuberculosis: An Observational Study 2023 Apr 1;15(4):e37013. doi: 10.7759/cureus.37013. eCollection 2023 Apr.
- Panda G, Patro M, Seth HK, Pattnaik MR, Meher BK, Sahoo J .Study of Metabolic Syndrome in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and its Clinical Implications,J Pulm Respir Med, 2019:9;2.DOI:10.4172/2161-105X 1000490.
- Pradhan G, Pattnaik MR, Sethy HK, Patnaik J, Mohanty T, Giri PK.Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in one day: Way forward for END TB Strategy 2015, Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care · January 2019
- Mohanty T, MallikS, Pattnaik MR, Patra JK, Pradhan S, Mohanty PN, Dora RK, Mishra S.A Study on Tubercular Lymphadenitis with Special Correlation to RapidMolecular Diagnostic Tests in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Eastern India.J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc., pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 7/Issue 6/Feb. 10, 2020
- Jena P, Pattnaik M, Patra JK*, Meher BK, Sethy HK, Mohanty T and Panda G .A Clinico-Radiological and Pathological Evaluation of Bronchogenic Carcinoma with Special Reference to Immunohistochemistry Ki-67 in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Eastern India, Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine, J Pulm Respir Med ,2019 , 9:2 DOI: 10.4172/2161-105X.1000491
- Mahapatra SK , Pattnaik MR, Jena RK, Patra JK, Meher BK, Sethy HK, Mohanty T, Panda G, Trilochan BP, Dash NC and Mahanta PC, A Study on Infectious and Non-Infectious Pulmonary Complications in Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation .International Journal of Pulmonary and Respiratory Sciences, 4(3);IJOPR,MS.ID 555636.( 2019).
- Pattnaik M R , Patra J K , Sethy HK, Mohanty T, Panda G, Meher BK , Markam G and Rajan L. Medical thoracoscopy an aid to diagnosis of undiagnosed exudative pleural effusion in a tertiary care hospital of Odisha, International Journal of Current Advanced Research, September 2019; Page No. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/ijcar.2019
- 14 Mohanty T,Mallik S , Pattnaik MR, Patra JK, Pradhan S, Mohanty PN, Dora RK, Mishra S. A Study on Tubercular Lymphadenitis with Special Correlation to Rapid Molecular Diagnostic Tests in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Eastern India, Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Health Care, J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc., pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 7/Issue 6/Feb. 10, 2020
- Patra JK, Pattanaik MR, Mohanty T, Meher BK, Mallick S, Mohanty NR Unusual Foreign Body Aspiration in a 12 Year old Boy Journal of Thoracic Endoscopy (Thoracic Endoscopy 2018; 3: 67-68),
- Sethy HK, Mishra M, M.R. Pattnaik MR, Rajan L,Patra JK, Pattnaik KP, Panda S,Assessment of Adverse Drug Reactions during CAT IV Regimen in Cases of MDR-TB SAS J. Med., 2018; 4(2): 17-25
- Kunoor A, Mohanty T, Pattnaik MR ,Dash DP. Yield of sputum induction with 3 % hypertonic saline in smear negative pulmonary tuberculosis, , Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2016 April; 7(2): (B) 583 – 588
- Mahapatra SK, Pattnaik MR, Jena RK, Patra JK, Meher BK, Sethy HK, Mohanty T,Panda G, Trilochan BP, Dash NC , Mahanty PC. A Study on Infectious and Non-Infectious Pulmonary Complications in Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation, , Research Article, Volume 4 Issue 3 – December 2019, DOI: 10.19080/ IJOPRS.2019.04.555636.
- Pradhan S, Pattanaik MR, Mohanty T, Dash MR, Mallick A,Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia in an Adult: A Case Report . Sch J Med Case Rep, April 2016; 4(4):194-197, Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports
- Pattnaik M R et al. ‘Medical Thoracoscopy an Aid to Diagnosis of Undiagnosed Exudative Pleural Effusion in A Tertiary Care Hospital of Odisha’, International Journal of Current Advanced Research,2019: 08(09), pp.19845-19849. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/ijcar.2019.3857.19849
- Mohanty T, Patro M, Sahoo J, Meher BK, Pattnaik MR, Patra JK. Effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccine in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) , International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Mohanty T et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2018 Nov;6(11):3698-3704
- Malik A, Das R, Mohanty T, Patnaik J, Pattanaik MR, Sethy HK.Study of Cardiovascular dysfunction in interstitial lung disease, Lung India-vol-32, Supplement 2- November 2015
- Meher BK, Mohanty T, Pattnaik MR, Panda G,Patra GK.Evaluation of hemorrhagic pleural effusion with special reference to malignancy, PARIPEX – INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH:-6 (6 )2017 | ISSN – 2250-1991 | IF : 5.761 | IC Value : 79.96
- Giri PK, Pradhan G, Patnaik MR, Mohanty T. Evaluation of Peripheral Lung Masses with Special Reference to Ultrasound-guided Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology: A Clinico-radiological and Pathological Study, International Journal of Scientific Study | January 2017 | Vol 4 | Issue 10
- Mohanty T, Panigrahi SK, Pattnaik mr, Panda g, Routray D, Patra JK, Meher BK Study on diagnostic modalities in smear negative pulmonary tuberculosis with special reference to sputum induction (SI CBNAAT), bronchoscopy (BAL CBNAAT and BAL Culture) ,.J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc., 2017;4(47),2858-2862.DOI:10.18410/jebmh/2017/567.
- Panda G,Behera D,Meher BK, Mohanty T,Sethy HK,Pattnaik MR,Patra GK.Clinico-radiological presentation of pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV positive patients in a tertiary care hospital of Eastern India. PARIPEX – INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH Volume-6 , Issue-11 ,November-2017 : ISSN – 2250-1991 | IF : 5.761 | IC Value : 79.96,
- Mangaraj M , Kumari S, Nanda R,Pattnaik MR, Mohapatra PC. Pleural Fluid MDAand Serum- Effusion Albumin Gradient in Pleural Effusion. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry.2008;23(1):81-84.
- Mohapatra M,Sahoo PK, Pattnaik SC, Pattnaik MR, Behera S. Imaging of Ruptured Cardiac Hydatid CystLocated on the Interventricular Septum With Pulmonary Embolism, A Case Report.Ind J RadiolImag2003;13:2;203-205.
- Pattnaik MR, Panigrahi MK.Comparative study inhaled Salmeterol and Budesonide VS Salmeterol and Fluticasone propionate inpatients of Bronchial Asthma. International Journal on Immunorehabilitation ;2008:10(1).
- Chief Minister’s Award for Excellence in Health Care Services (2019-2020 & 2021-2022
- Economic Times Inspiring Pulmonologist of INDIA.
- Dynamic Healthcare Leader Award-Pulmonary Medicine
- Several Publication in International and National Journal.
- Faculty for National Chest Conferences.
- Chairman, Zonal OR Committee RNTCP, East Zone (2011-2014)
- Chairman, Zonal Task Force RNTCP, East Zone from 2015- continuing.
- Chairman, Zonal OR Committee, 2015-continuing.
- Member, National Task Force, Govt. of India.
- Member, National Technical Expert Group (NTEG), CTD, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
- Past president, Odisha Chest society.
- Past President, Telemedicine society of Odisha.