Dr. Geeta Sahu
Professor & HOD
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Dr Subal Kumar Naik
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Mohan Kumar Hansda
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Umakanta Khejuria
Assistant Professor
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Sl. No. Publication List
1 Kunal Mishra, Mohan Kumar Hansda, Niranjan Sahoo, An assessment on the prevalence and correlates of psychological morbidity in 2 nd year undergraduate medical students in a medical college in Odisha. Indian Journal of forensic and Community Medicine, Vol-5, No-3 July- September- 2018.
2 MK Hansda, Niranjan Sahoo, Bibhuti Panda, SN Mishra. Study of burn cases during autopsy in relation to manner of death Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, June 2017.
3 Sudeepa Das, Niranjan Sahoo, MK Hansda, SN Mishra, AK Shukla. Study of predisposing factors in fatal thermal injuries. Indian Journal of Forensic and Community Medicine, January – March 2017; 4(1): 28-30.
4 Nityanand Kumar, Niranjan Sahoo, Bibhuti Bhusan Panda, Mohan Kumar Hansda. Fractures of Hyoid Bone and Thyroid Cartilage-An Autopsy Study. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. October – December-2016, vol-38, No-4, p 393- 396.
5 Laxmikanta Behera, Niranjan Sahoo, Bibhuti Bhusan Panda, MK Hansda. The Fatal Head Injuries of Victim within 72 Hours from the Time of Road Traffic Accident – A Prospective Study. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, vol. 15 issue 9 Ver. IV September 2016, PP 125-129.
  1. Dr.B.B.Panda, Dr.K Mishra, Dr. MK Hansda, Dr. S.K Naik. Dr. SS Sethi. Mandibular Ramus Notching As A Tool For Sexual Dimorphism. International Journal Of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2016; 5(2):
  2. Dr. G.Sahu, Dr.S.K Naik. Study of skull fractures in fatal cranio-cerebral injuries in light with the manner of death. JIAFM, April-June 2016, Vol-38, Number-2.
  3. Dr. S R Nayak, Dr.S.K Naik, Dr A Samanta, Analysis of profiles of Hanging deaths in coastal Odisha. JIAFM, 2017, Vol-39, Number-1.
  1. Sahu G, Mohanty S, Dash JK. Vulnerable Victims of Sexual Assault. Med Sci Law. 2005 Jul 1;45(3):256–60.
  2. Sachidananda M, Sahu G, Patnaik M, Dash JK. Victimiologic study of male suicide. Int J Med Toxicol Leg Med. 2005;7(2):18–21.
  3. Mohanty S, Sahu G, Mohanty MK, Patnaik M. Suicide in India – A four year retrospective study. J Forensic Leg Med. 2007 May 1;14(4):185–9.
  4. Sahu G, Mohanty S, Tripathy CS, Patnaik M. Victimiologic study of female suicide. Medico-Leg Update. 2008 Jan 1;8:21–4.
  5. Mohanty S, Sahu G, Das S. Estimation of length of humerus from its fragmentary portions. J Forensic Leg Med. 2012 Aug 1;19(6):316–20.
  6. Sahu G, Behera A, Sethi S. romberg syndrome and medical negligence. Indian J Forensic Med Toxicol. 2013 Jul 1;7:147–9.
  7. Mohanty S, Sen M, Sahu G. Analysis of risk factors of dowry death – A south Indian study. J Forensic Leg Med. 2013 May 1;20:316–20.
  8. Sahu G, Jena M, Bhutada T, Mishra M. Medical negligence in post operative care: a case report. Research. 2014 Sep 12;1:1018.
  9. Sahu G. Fatal Laryngeal Oedema in Burns. J Trauma Treat. 2014 Oct 26;4:1000219.
  10. Sahu G. Corrosive Ingestion Injuries-A Case Report. J Forensic Toxicol Pharmacol. 2014 Jun 13;3:1000122.
  11. Sahu G, Jena M. Pattern of Injuries in Women Sexually Assaulted. Indian J Forensic Med Pathol. 2014;7(3):101–7.
  12. Sahu G, Naik S. Study of skull fractures in fatal cranio cerebral injuries in light with the manner of death. J Indian Acad Forensic Med. 2016 Jan 1;38:217.
  13. G S, Sr N, Ss S. Mutilation of Body after crime. J Forensic Toxicol Pharmacol 5:1. doi:10.4172/2325-9841.1000145
  14. Choudhury J, Sahu G, Prusty D. Evaluation of Fatal Snakebite Cases in Coastal Odisha: An Autopsy based Cross-sectional Study. J Indian Soc Toxicol. 2018 Jun 1;14:1.
  15. Sahu G, Choudhury J, Giri D. Cheiloscopy: A Forensic Aid for Personal Identification and Sex Determination. J Indian Acad Forensic Med. 2018 Jan 1;40:10–6.
  16. Sahu G, Choudhury J, Mallick D. Road Traffic Fatalities in coastal Odisha: Autopsy based study. MRIMS J Health Sci. 2018 Jan 1;6:54.
  17. Sahu G, Mishra A, Panda A, Hansda M. Pattern of fatalities during the covid 19 pandemic lockdown period: An autopsy based study. J Forensic Med Toxicol. 2021 Jan 1;38:92–7.
  18. Sahu G, Behera P, Jena M. Study of sexual assaults among minor victim girls. J Indian Acad Forensic Med. 2022;44(2):72–7.
  19. Sahu G, Pradhan PK. Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of Medico-legal documentation among the interns of SCB Medical College, Cuttack, Odisha and the effectiveness of training. J Forensic Med Toxicol. 2022;39(2):77–82.
  20. Sahu G, Parida J, Pradhan D, Mohanty L. Histopathological Changes in Tissues, At And Around the Ligature Mark : An Autopsy Based Study, at SCB Medical College and Hospital, Cuttack, Odisha. Int J Toxicol Pharmacol Res. 2023;13(6):67–72.
  21. Behera CK, Rath R, Das SN, Sahu G, Sharma G, Bhatta A. Correlation of skeletal age by Greulich-Pyle atlas, physiological age by body development index, and dental age by London Atlas and modified Demirjian’s technique in children and adolescents of an Eastern Indian population. Egypt J Forensic Sci. 2023 Sep 15;13(1):40.