General Medicine Publication

General Medicine Publication

Sl.No. Name Research & Publication
1 Prof Dr Saroj Kumar Tripathy
2 Dr. Jayanta Kumar Panda
  1. Sadikot SM, Das AK, Wilding J, Siyan A, Zargar AH, Saboo B, Aravind SR, Sosale B, Kalra S, Vijayakumar G, Manojan KK, Maheshwari A, Panda JK, Banerjee S, Chawla R, Vasudevan SP, Sundar OSS, Kesavadev J. Consensus recommendations on exploring effective solutions for the rising cost of diabetes. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2017 Apr-Jun;11(2):141-147. doi: 10.1016/j.dsx.2017.03.002. Epub 2017 Mar 7. PMID: 28325543.
  2. Unger J, Allison DC, Carlton M, Lakkole K, Lowe D, Murphy G, Panda JK, Sargin M, Kaltoft M, Treppendahl MB, Zoghbi M; LIRA-PRIME global panel. Trial design and baseline data for LIRA-PRIME: A randomized trial investigating the efficacy of liraglutide in controlling glycaemia in type 2 diabetes in a primary care setting. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2019 Jul;21(7):1543-1550. doi: 10.1111/dom.13682. Epub 2019 Mar 26. PMID: 30828917; PMCID: PMC6617804.
  3. Consensus on Initiation and Intensification of Premix Insulin in Type 2 Diabetes Management. Mohan V, Kalra S, Kesavadev J, Singh AK, Kumar A, Unnikrishnan AG, Chawla R, Mukherjee JJ, Sahay RK, Kumar JS, Bhoraskar A, Asirvatham AJ, Panda JK, Zargar AH, Das AK. J Assoc Physicians India. 2017 Apr;65(4):59-73. PMID: 28527166
3 Dr. Suvendu Sekhar Acharya
4 Prof Dr Manoranjan Behera
5 Dr. Ranjan Kumar Sen
6 Dr. Sridhar Panda
7 Dr. Sanjay Kumar Behera
8 Dr. Rabindra Kisku
9 Dr. Biswaranjan Panda
10 Dr. Amita Kerketta
  • Clinical profile and lipid abnormalities in subclinical and event primary hypothyroidism May 2019 International Journal of Research in Medical Science
  • Clinical profile and outcome of organ dysfunction in sepsis. May2018 International Journal of Research in Medical Science.
11 Dr. Nirmala Ch. Sahu
12 Dr Ashok Ku. Behera
13 Dr. Sudhanshu Sekhar Sethy
14 Dr. Sunita Sethy
15 Dr.Desabandhu Behera
16 Dr Rajesh Kumar Meher
17 Dr. Satyabrata Sahoo
19 Dr. Tusharkantee Behera
20 Dr. Rakesh Chandra Behera
21 Dr. Sanjay Kumar Majhi
22 Dr. Dipti Ranjan Darjee
  • Year: 2021 | Month: March | Volume: 8 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 321-325 IJRR International Journal of Research and Review An Observational Study to Evaluate Effect of Vildagliptin in Combination with Metformin and Glimepiride on Glycaemic Control and lipid profile in T2DM Patients
  • THE DETERMINANTS AND PREDOMINANCE OF PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY AMONG T2DM INPATIENTS OF AN INDIAN DIABETES CENTER 1Rabindra Kisku, 2Sanjay Kumar Behera, 3Dipti Ranjan Darjee, 4Biswa Ranjan Panda 1-4Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, S.C.B MCH, Cuttack, Odisha European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine ISSN 25158260 Volume 9, Issue 4, Summer 2022
  • European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine ISSN 25158260 Volume 9, Issue 4, Summer 2022 A HOSPITAL-BASED INVESTIGATION OF THE PREVALENCE AND RISKS OF VENTRICULAR DYSFUNCTION IN CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISORDERS 1Sanjay Kumar Behera, 2Dipti Ranjan Darjee, 3Biswa Ranjan Panda, 4Rabindra Kisku 1-4Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, S.C.B MCH, Cuttack, Odisha India
24 Dr. Priya Jena
25 Dr. Amiya Ku. Sahu
26 Dr. Satish Ranjan Lenka
27 Dr. Chaitali Godnaik
28 Dr. Sukanya Priyadarshini Mohanty