Name of the Department:

P.G Department of Microbiology, S.C.B. Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack.

Departmental Overview :

In the year 1985 the Dept. of Microbiology was started with the facilities of only Bacteriological culture & few Serological test. Subsequently within a short span of time, it has been expanded with a no. of facilities. In1981 ICTC centre  and in 1992 Surveillance centre for HIV was established in the Department. it was declared as SRL for HIV in the year 2005. In 2006 a separate Tuberculosis Lab. under RNTCP Programme was established. Subsequently the Surveillance for STI,  NVBDCP & IDSP was started in the department. Similarly AMR & NVHCP work was started in the year 2018. A major achievement of Microbiology Dept. is VRDL which was established in the year 2019.

In  The Post Graduate course was started in 2000 with intake of two students per batch and now it has increased to six(6No.) At present the Dept. has all the facilities for Post Graduate studies. Due to rapid expansion of the subject, at present, a huge building has been constructed for Microbiology Department.

Department Started : Department Started By Whom : Current Hod :
1985 Professor (Dr.) Gangadhar Mishra Professor (Dr.) Dharitri Mohapatra
Facilites Available Including investigation:
  1. Bacteriological Culture & Sensitivity
  2. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Culture & Sensitivity
  3. Mycological Culture & Staining
  4. Parasitological Investigation
  5. Serological Tests
  6. Epidemiological Investigation
  7. Regular Water Analysis
  8. HIV Testing & CD4 count in (ICTC-1 & 2), ART Centre
  9. Molecular and Serological Diagnosis of Viral diseases (VRDL)
Dr. Dharitri Mohapatra

Dr. Dharitri Mohapatra
Professor & HOD
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Dr. Priti lata Panda

Dr. Priti lata Panda
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Dr. Bhabani Patnaik

Dr. Bhabani Patnaik
Associate Professor
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Dr. Soumya Sibani Sahoo

Dr. Soumya Sibani Sahoo
Asst. Professor
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Dr. Preet Priyadarshini

Dr. Preet Priyadarshini
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Anindita Routray

Dr. Anindita Routray
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Debadatta Bhanjadeo

Dr. Debadatta Bhanjadeo
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Somi Patro

Dr. Somi Patro
Assistant Professor
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