Pharmacology Publication

Pharmacology Publication

Sl.No. Name Research & Publication
1 Dr. Suhasini Dehury
  1. Effect of ethanol extract of curcuma longa on aspirin induced gastric injury.(gross morphology and histopathology study) Dr Kali Prasad Pattnaik, Dr Suhasini Dehury, Dr Rajashree Samal, Dr Narayan Mallick. Journal of medical science and clinical research. Vol- 05 issue- 04,march2017 19680-88.ISSN 2455-0450, ICV=83.27
  2. Effect of aloe vera leaf extract in animal model of ulcerative colitis. Suhasini Dehury, Jewa Tripathy. European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research,2017,4(5),346-350. ISSN 2394-3211, ICV=45.77
  3. Hepatoprotective effect of S-Adenosyl L methionine against Isoniazid induced hepatitis in animal model. Suhasini Dehury, KP Pattnaik, Ashranti Kar et al. Journal of evidence based medicine and health care/vol 4/issue 41/2017.pISS no- 2349/252. Eissn no- 2349-270, ICV = 78.84(ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE).
  4. Pricing and availability of some essential child specific medicines in Odisha. Trupti Rekha Swain, Bandana Rath, Suhasini Dehury, Anjali Tarai, Priti Das, Rajashree Samal, Satyajit Samal, Harshavardhan Nayak. Indian journal of Pharmacology 2015 vol-47:496-501.
  5. Pain Abdomen in a child Aggravated after Treatment with Ciprofloxacin, Metronidazole and Tramadol: A Case Study. Kali Prasad pattnaik, Suhasini Dehury, Ratikanta Tripathy, Swaym Sourav Sahoo. International Journal of medical Research Professionals 2016.ISSN (P)- 2454-6356, VOL-2,ISSUE-1:189-91.
  6. Prescribing Pattern of antibiotics in community –aquired pneumonia in a teaching hospital of southeast Asia. Sanjay kumar, Divya agarwal, Soumya santra, Suhasini Dehury,Priti Das, Trupti Rekha Swain. Journal of Health Research and Reviews. Sept-dec 2015,vol 2,issue3.
  7. Study of anti inflammatory effect of neem seed oil (Azadiracta indica) on infected albino rats. Manas Ranjan naik,Ayon Bhattacharya, Rashmirekha Behera, Suhasini Dehury, Sanjay Kumar. Journal of Health Research and Reviews. Sept- dec 2014,vol 1,issue3.
  8. Anti-inflamatory Effect of neem leaf extract on Albino Rats. Ayon Bhattacharya, Rashmirekha Behera, Divya Agarwal, Suhasini Dehury, Sanjay Kumar and Trupti Rekha Sawin. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and , Chemical Sciences. ISSN: 0975- 8585 Sept-OCT 2014,vol 5 (5),p-1431-1435.
  9. Cutaneous adverse drug reactions with fixed dose combinations: Special reference to self medication and preventability. Ratikanta Tripathy, Kali Prasad Pattnaik, Suhasini Dehury, Sibsis patro, Prasanjeet Mohanty, Swayam Sourav Sahoo, Srikanta Mohanty. Indian jouranal of Pharmacology – Volume 50, Issue 4, July- August 2018
  10. Diuretic effect of Niphedipine in Albino Rabbits. J.Jena, S.Dehury, G.C.Samal. Journal of Vivekananda Institute of Medical Science VOL 24 (1) 2001,ISSN-0970-4396,.
  11. Effect Of Calcium Channel Blockers ( CCBs) On Urinary Electrolytes And Urine Output on rabbits. Dehury S, Mangaraj M, Mishra P.K., Das A.K., Behera P.K. Published as guest lecture in the souvenir of AMBICON-98, VII Annual Conference of Association of Medical Biochemists of India.
  12. Pharmacovigilance in Geriatric Patient-A Prospective observational Study done in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Odisha,India. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2022 jan,vol16(1):FC11-FC14.satyabrata sahoo,suhasini Dehury etal.
  13. Efficacy of Peppermint Oil in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Journal of Medical Sciences and Health, Jan-April 2022/Vol-8/Issue-1.Suhasini Dehury,Haribhakti Seba Das,Abhipsa Patra and Rashmita Pradhan
  14. Efficacy and Safety Analysis of Pucalopride in refractory chronic constipation cases in a tertiary care hospital in Eastern India:A randomized,single-blind,placebo-controlled study. Suhasini Dehury, Sourya Mohapatra, Haribakti Seba Das,Siddhartha Goutam,Chetna Kaushik. Indian journal of pharmacology 2023;55:6-13.
  15. Evaluation of Metabolic Parameters on Use of Newer Antiepileptics Versus Conventional Antiepileptics in Patients of Genralised Tonic- Clonic Seizure:An Observational Study. Suhasini Dehury,Pallavi Patro,Lorika Sahu, Ashok K. Mallik . Cureus 15(2):e35181.DOI 10.7759/CUREUS.35181.DOP 19/2/2023.
  16. Comparative analysis of efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of betahistine alone, caroverine alone, and caroverine plus ginkgo biloba in moderate tinnitus Nayak, Laxmipriya 1,2 ; Dehury, Suhasini 2,3 ; Rautray, Subhalaxmi 4 ; Sahu, Lorika 2,5 ; Sahu, Debadutta 4 56(6):p 379-385, Nov–Dec 2024. Indian Journal of Pharmacology – Volume 56, Issue 6, November-December 2024 Submitted: 14-Aug-2024 Revised: 27-Sep-2024 Accepted: 19-Dec-2024 Published: 19-Feb-2025
  17. STATE JOURNALS Single Dose vs Package regimen of Ceftriaxone as Surgical Prophylaxis in Caesarean. Suhasini Dehury, K.R. Mohapatra, J.Jena. Vol-2,Issue-II,OJP- ISSN-0973- 3949,2005.
  18. Antinociceptive Activity of Glycyrhiza Glabra in Albino rats. Dehury Suhasini, Rath B.G. OJP,Vol-7,Issue-II,ISSN-0973- 3439,2009.
  19. Study of Utilisation Pattern of drugs for Helicobacter Pylori eradication along with cost effective analysis in patients of Peptic ulcer diseases in a tertiary Care Hospital. S. Mallick, Suhasini Dehury, H.S. Das, M. Nayak, A. Kar, A. Mohapatra, T.R. Swain, U.C. Patra. Vol-6, ISSN-0973-2748,Hesi Bulletin 2010.
  20. Study of Drug Utilisation Pattern And Their Cost Effective Analysis In Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis in A Tertiary Care Hospital. Srishthi Mohapatra, Priti Das, Haribhakti seba Das, Suhasini Dehury, Srikanta Mohanty. Vol-7, ISSN-0973,Hesi bulletin 2012.
  21. Evaluation of hepatoprotective activityof S-adenosyl-l methionine Against Isoniazid induced liver Damage in Rats. Partha Sarathi Nayak, Suhasini Dehury, T.R Swain, Srikanta Mohanty . VOL- 8,ISSN -0973,Hessi bulletin 2013
2 Dr. Rashmita Pradhan
1 Singh S, Pradhan R. Prognostic Relevance of C Reactive Protein in Short Term Adverse Outcome in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke.J Clin of Diagn Res.2021; 15(10):OC10-OC14.
2 Pradhan R, Singh S. Antiarthritic activity of aqueous extract of Aloe vera in Freund’s complete adjuvant-induced arthritis model in Wistar albino rats. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2021;11(12):1399-1405.
3 Dehury S, Das HS, Patra A, Pradhan Efficacy of Peppermint oil in Irritable bowel syndrome,J Med SciHealth Jan-April 2022.8(1):35-41
4 Pradhan R, Singh S, Singh N, Upadhyay R :Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Arthritic Activity of Aqueous Extract of Aloe Vera in Wistar Albino Rats International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2022; 14(9); 680-689
5 Das B, Singh S, Pradhan R, Singh N, Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction- An ENIGMA,Volume-14,issueno-1,January-march-23.Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development.
6 Pradhan R, Singh S, Singh N: Prognostic Relevance of Serum Ferritin on Short Term and Long term Outcome In Patients With AcuteMyocardial Infarction Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development Volume No. 14 issue no.2 April-June 2023.
7 Singh S ,Pradhan R, , Upadhyay R, Singh N ,Ratha B Evaluation of Immunomodulatory effect of Aqueous Extract Aloe vera in Wistar albino rat models.Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences.on 24.04.2023
3 Dr. Aparajita Mohapatra
  1. Mohapatra A, Upadhyay R, Panda RK, Upadhyay MR, Swain TR. Study of utilization pattern of fixed dose drug combinations used in pediatric patients at a tertiary care teaching hospital of Eastern India. Panacea J Med Sci 2020;10(3):337-342.
4 Dr.Itishree Prusty
1 Jayanti Prava Behera, Y.Roja Ramani, Itishree Prusty, & Sahu Swapna Rohit”Antioxidant Effect Of Triticum Aestivum Grass On Insulin Resistance Models On Wistar Albino Rats” DOI: 105530/fra.2015.2.1 Free Radicals & Antioxidants Vol.5, Issue-2, July-Dec 2015
2 IJP, CLP/OP-45 “Study Of Efficacy, Adverse Drug Reaction And Compliance Of Antiretroviral Drugs In A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital” 46th Annual Conference of IPS
5 Dr. Chinmayee Priyadarshini
1 Chemotherapy induced skin toxicities and Review of Literature
6 Dr P. Ansuman Abhisek
1 Srivastava A, Abhisek PA, Pradhan SS. An idiosyncratic reaction of unilateral common peroneal nerve
palsy associated with below desired therapeutic range of tacrolimus level in a patient postheart
transplantation. Indian J Pharmacol. 2022 Nov-Dec;54(6):459-461. doi: 10.4103/ijp.ijp_950_20. PMID:
36722558; PMCID: PMC10043820.
2 Abhisek P, Das P, Pradhan S, Panda G, Mohanty S. Assessment of drug-drug interactions and its associated
factors in patients receiving second-line antitubercular drugs (MDR TB/XDR TB) in a tertiary care
hospital in eastern India. International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics. 2020;12(3):260.
3 Abhisek AP, Panda R, Samal R, Mohapapatra N, Mohanty S. Drug Utilisation Pattern and Adverse Events in
Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Undergoing Maintenance Haemodialysis at a Tertiary Care Hospital of
Odisha. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017;11(10):11-16
4 Antihypertensive drug utilisation pattern among chronic kidney disease patients undergoing maintenance
dialysis in a tertiary care teaching hospital P. Ansuman abhisek, rajendra panda, jigyansa mohapatra,
namita mohapatra, srikanta mohanty.Published in J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802,
pISSN-2278-4748/ Vol. 05/ Issue 50/ June 23, 2016
5 Abhisek AP, Pradhan SS. Possible drug-drug interactions of Hydroxychloroquine with concomitant
medications in prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19: Multiple standard software based assessment.
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2020;14(12):16-32
6 Abhisek PA, Das P , Pradhan SS , Pati SS , Mohanty S. Prevalence and Assessment of Adverse Drug
Reactions in Mental Health Institute in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital: A 2 Years of Cross-Sectional
Study. JMSCR. 2018 ; 6(8):1072-82.
7 Panda RK, Abhisek PA, Sika LM, Pradhan SS, Routray SS, Mohanty S. Utilisation of antimicrobial agents in
intensive care unit at a tertiary care hospital in eastern India. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol
8 Rout A, E Sunny, GJ Dewendra, Abhisek PA, Kedar P. Comparative study of low dose subarachnoid
bupivacaine (9 mg) with different dose combinations of fentanyl versus standard dose bupivacaine (12 mg)
in parturients undergoing caesarean section. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. Volume
09, Issue 02, 2022
9 Effect of Aqueous Extract of Aegle Marmelos (Bael Leaves ) on Perfused Toads Heart. Rout B.N., Ansuman
Abhisek P., Upadhyay R. Published in International Journal of Health Sciences & Research (
Vol.6; Issue: 2; February 2016
1 Srivastava A, Abhisek PA, Pradhan SS. An idiosyncratic reaction of unilateral common peroneal nerve
palsy associated with below desired therapeutic range of tacrolimus level in a patient postheart
transplantation. Indian J Pharmacol. 2022 Nov-Dec;54(6):459-461. doi: 10.4103/ijp.ijp_950_20. PMID:
36722558; PMCID: PMC10043820.
10 Effect of portulaca olearecea and its interaction with vecuronium on neuromuscular junction in
experimental animals. Anjali Tarai, P. Ansuman Abhisek, S. N. Pandey. Published in international journal
of basic and clinical pharmacology, Volume 5,no. 3(2016)
11 Bhoi SK, Panda SK, Jena KK, Abhisek AP, Sahoo KS. Prediction of Diabetes in Females of Pima Indian
Heritage: A Complete Supervised Learning Approach. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics
Education. 2021;12(10), 3074-3084
12 Ray, G.K., Mishra, D., Jena, R.K., Mahapatra, S., Palai, s.,Parida A.A.. Clinical Profile and Severity
of Hemolysis in Adult Patients of Primary Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia and Their Response to Steroid: A
Prospective Cohort Study from Single Institution. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus (2020).
13 Ray GK, Mishra D, Mahapatra S, Palai S, Abhisek AP, Rajan L. Rifampicin-Induced Hemolytic Anemia: A rare
case report. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research. 2018 ;1(2):221-23.
14 Drug utilisation pattern in patients with bronchial asthma in a tertiary care teaching hospital of
odisha . P. Ansuman abhisek, rajendra panda, sonali das, srikanta mohanty, vedvyas mishra. Published in
Journal of Evolution of Research in Medical Pharmacology/ Vol. 2/ Issue 2/ July-December, 2016
15 Analysis of the Various Spectrum of Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions and Associated Factors in a
Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Eastern India: A Cross-sectional Study. Dey S, Das P, Pradhan SS,
Mohanty J, Rana R, Abhisek AP. Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(1), 1047-1061
7 Dr. Shweta Supriya Pradhan
1 Dey S, Das P, Pradhan SS, Mohanty J, Rana R, Abhisek PA.Analysis of the Various Spectrum of Cutaneous
Adverse Drug Reactions and Associated Factors in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Eastern India: A
Cross-sectional Study. Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(1), 1047-1061
2 Srivastava A, Abhisek PA, Pradhan SS. An idiosyncratic reaction of unilateral common peroneal nerve
palsy associated with below desired therapeutic range of tacrolimus level in a patient post heart
transplantation- A case report. Indian J Pharmacol 2022; 54(6): 459–461.
3 Abhisek AP, Pradhan SS. Possible drug-drug interactions of Hydroxychloroquine with concomitant
medications in prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19: Multiple standard software based assessment.
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2020;14(12):16-32
4 Abhisek P, Das P, Pradhan S, Panda G, Mohanty S. Assessment of drug-drug interactions and its associated
factors in patients receiving second-line antitubercular drugs (MDR TB/XDR TB) in a tertiary care
hospital in eastern India. International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics. 2020;12(3):260.
5 Panda RK, Abhisek PA, Sika LM, Pradhan SS, Routray SS, Mohanty S. Utilisation of antimicrobial agents in
intensive care unit at a tertiary care hospital in eastern India. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol
6 Abhisek PA, Das P , Pradhan SS , Pati SS , Mohanty S. Prevalence and Assessment of Adverse Drug
Reactions in Mental Health Institute in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital: A 2 Years of Cross-Sectional
Study. JMSCR. 2018 ; 6(8):1072-82
7 Bhoi SK, Panda SK, Jena KK, Abhisek AP, Sahoo KS,Pradhan SS. Prediction of Diabetes in Females of Pima
Indian Heritage: A Complete Supervised Learning Approach. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics
Education. 2021;12(10), 3074-3084
8 Dr. Bikash Chandra Das
9 Dr. Vedvyas Mishra
  1. AnimaRout 1, Priti Das2, RatikantaTripathy 3, DillipKumarAgarwalla 4, VedvyasMishra 5 Drug Utilisation Pattern and Adverse Drug Reactions in Stage II Breast Cancer Patients in a Tertiary Care Center of Odisha- An Observational Study
    DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2021/48815.15281