Dr. Archana Mishra
Professor and HOD
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Dr. Biswabara Rout
Associate Professor
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Dr. Puspamayee Sethi
Asst. Professor
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Dr. Birajman lakra
Asst. Professor
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Dr. Madhuri Panigrahi
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Roopam Panda
Assistant Professor
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Sl. No. Publication List
  1. Banerjee S, Buda B, Dash K. Effect of Biomass Fuel use on Pulmonary Functions in Non-smoking Healthy Women. Int. J. Pharm. Clin. Res. 2022; 14(4):169-177
  2. Pradhan SK, Pujahari SK, Buda B, Pradhan S, Muduli SR. A Comparative Study of 2% Lidocaine Plus 0.5% Ropivacaine Versus 2% Lidocaine Plus 0.5% Bupivacaine for Peribulbar Anaesthesia in Cataract Surgeries. Int. J. Pharm. Clin. Res. 2022; 14(4):222-232
  3. Mishra DK, Triathy NK, Mahanty B, Buda B, Behera MK. To Study Smoking Violations through Global Positioning System-Enabled Mobile App, in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Indian J Community Med. 2020;45(1):66-71
  4. Das D, Das BB, Swain SP, Buda B. A Cross-Sectional Study on the Prevalence of Depression and its Impact on the Quality of Life in Patients with OCD. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research. 2021;4(4):297- 303
  1. Title- Evaluation of Serum prolactin, FSH, and LH levels in women with thyroid disorders-A Hospital based study . Dr. Puspamayee Sethi, Year of publication-July 2016, Indexed by index Copernicus, volume -06, issue-07.
  2. Title- Effect of yogic practice on pulmonary functions in young adults.Dr. Puspamayee Sethi, Year of publication-July 2017, Indexed by index Copernicus, volume -06, issue-07
  1. Archana Mishra*, Chandrakanta Mishra, Rama Raman Mohanty & Mrutyunjay Behera: Study on the diagnostic accuracy of left arterial enlargement by resting ECG and its echocardiographic correlation. Indian Journal Physiology Pharmacology 2008; 52(1):31-42
  2. Archana Mishra*, Chandrakanta Mishra, Rama Raman Mohanty, Mrutyunjay Behera & Biswaranjan Mishra : Fractal dynamics in Health & Diseases Bio-medicine 2008; 28(4): 256-258
  3. Archana Mishra*, Chandrakanta Mishra, Rama Raman Mohanty, Prof. (Dr.) Mrutyunjay Behera, Dr. Kaushik Mishra: Heart rate recovery as a predictor of mortality with or without revascularization: “ Clinical research articles.”Indian Heart Journal 2009;61:74-79
  4. Archana Mishra*, Chandrakanta Mishra, Rama Raman Mohanty: Intermediate filaments in Health & Diseases Bio-Medicine 2009;29(3):204-208
  5. Mishra BR, Sarkar S, Mishra S, Mishra A, Praharaj SK, Nizamie SH. Isolated Nocturnal Auditory Hallucinations: a case report. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2011Sept-Oct;33(5): 530. e 5-6
  6. Girija Priyadarshini, Archana Mishra, RR Mohanty, Effect of advancing age on pulmonary functions in petrol pump workers of Cuttack: A cross-sectional study. Medical Science 2014;2(2): 103-9
  7. Dr. Chandrakanta Mishra and Dr. Archana Mishra*, Burden of insomnia among hypertensive geriatric patients attending cardiology OPD in a tertiary care hospital in eastern India. International journal of applied research.2016, Vol2 (9), part L:875-877
  8. Dr. Chandrakanta Mishra and Dr. Archana Mishra*, Effect of Sudarshan kriya yoga on insomnia. International journal of applied research;2016, Vol. 2(9) part L:878-879.
  9. Dr. Chandrakanta Mishra, Dr. Archana Mishra*, Eshaan Mishra: Effect of Sudarshan Kriya yoga on prehypertension and stage 1 hypertension. International journal of applied research.2016: Vol 2, Issue 12, part L;831-833
  10. Dr. Chandrakanta Mishra, Dr. Archana Mishra*, Eshaan Mishra: Prevalence of prehypertension and hypertension in MBBS students. International journal of applied research.2016: vol. 2; issue 12, part L; 834-836
  11. Eshaan Mishra, Dr. Archana Mishra*, Dr. Chandrakanta Mishra, Dr. Biswabara Rout, and Dr. Rashmi Rani Dash: Effect of Rajyoga meditation on modifiable cardiovascular risk factors.International journal of applied research2018, July, vol. 4, issue 7, part f, 371-372
  12. Dr. Dharitri Mohapatra, Eshaan Mishra, Dr. Archana Mishra, and Dr. Manoj Kumar Dash. Isolation and identification of microorganisms causing Keratitis with special reference to Mycotic agents in a tertiary care hospital of Odisha. International journal of applied research.2018; vol. 4( 8), part A:04-05.
  13. Dr. Dharitri Mohapatra, Dr. Archana Mishra, Dr. Manoj Kumar Dash, Dr. Somi Patro and Dr. Nirupama Chayani.Clinicomycological study of dermatophytosis in a tertiary care hospital of eastern Odisha. International journal of applied research.2018, vol 4 (8), part A: 01-03.
  14. Chandrakanta Mishra, Archana Mishra,Biswajit Das,
    Ritesh Acharya, Satyanarayan Routray. Angiographic Localisation of Culprit Vessel in Non-ST Elevated Acute Coronary Syndrome,
  15. Chandrakanta Mishra, Archana Mishra, Satyanarayan Routray. Percutaneous Pulmonary Valvuloplasty by JOMIVA Balloon in Adults: Long Term Retrospective Study from a Tertiary Care Hospital of Eastern India.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH; 2022 Jun, 16(6): OC30- OC34.
  16. Chandrakanta Mishra, Archana Mishra, Manoj Kumar Dash, Satyanarayan Routray. Comparative safety and efficacy of Tenecteplase and streptokinase in prosthetic valve thrombosis: An observation from Eastern India.Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences.Accepted- 12.01.22