Name Of The Department :

Department Of Neurology, SCB MCH, Cuttack

Departmental Overview :

The department of Neurology was started in the year 1969 as a subunit of the then Department of Medicine with Prof. Dr. Gopal Mitra as the first HOD in Neurology. Subsequently the Department became separated from Medicine in 1982 with Prof. Dr. R N Sahoo as the HOD. Subsequently the Department was under the guidance of esteemed Neurologists like Prof. Dr. Prabir Mohanty, Prof. Dr. B K Kuanar, Prof. Dr. Geeta Mohanty and Post-Doctoral DM in Neurology was started under the stewardship of the present HOD Prof. Dr. Ashok Kumar Mallick.

The Department undertakes DM teaching since 2013 with 3 DM students every year and teaching of BOT/BPT & MPT students in collaboration with NIRTAR and undertakes PG teaching and training Programme of Medicine & Psychiatric Post-graduate students and MCh Neurosurgery students.

Department Started : Department Started By Whom : Current Hod :
1969 Dr. Gopal Mitra Prof. Dr. Ashok Kumar Mallick.

Facilities Available Including Investigation :

SCB Medical College Department of Neurology caters to a large population of Odisha, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and other Govt. and private Medical Colleges within the state. Annual OPD attendance is approximately 55,000 per year and IPD admission is around 2970 per year(2019-20). It has 21 beds in a single unit with 50-60 new admissions every day. Department has Electrophysiology labs with EEG, NCS, EMG, Evoked potential (VEP, BAER), Video-EEG, Polysomnography and single-fibre EMG facilities. There are also facilities like Upgraded Departmental Library, Seminar Room, movement disorder clinic with availability of Botulinum Toxin injection, Nerve and Muscle biopsy and Lumbar Puncture.

Dr. Ashok Kumar Mallick

Dr. Ashok Kumar Mallick
Professor and HOD
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Dr. Kali Prasanna Swain

Dr. Kali Prasanna Swain
Associate Professor
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Dr. Nihar Ranjan Biswal

Dr. Nihar Ranjan Biswal
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Dr. Ashwini Kumar Sahu

Dr. Ashwini Kumar Sahu
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Swayang Sudha Panda

Dr. Swayang Sudha Panda
Assistant Professor
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