Dr. HaribhaktiSeba Das
Professor and HOD
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Dr. Prasanta Kumar Parida
Associate Professor
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Dr. Kaibalya Ranjan Dash
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Samir Kumar Hota
Assistant Professor
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Sl. No. Publication List
1 Hota S K, Singh S P, Bhuyan P. Prusty P L, Meena BP Comparison of Noninvasive Tests in Indian NAFLD Patients.

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology 13: January 2023 S123.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jceh.2023.07.168.

2 Meena BP, Panda CR, Hota S K, Prusty P L. The measures of Health-Related quality of life and frailty predict development of first episode of overt HE in patients with liver cirrhosis Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology 13: January 2023 S167-S168

DOI: 10.1016/j.jceh.2023.07.049

3 Prusty PL, Singh S P, Swarup MS, Hota S K, Sarcopenia: The Predictor of Mortality in Chronic Liver Disease Patients

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology January 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.jceh.2023.07.344

4  Patnaik KP, Das P, Hota S K, Mohapatra BN, Mohapatra S, Nayak S and  Panigrahi S: Comparative Safety and Cost Effective Analysis between Aceclofenac, Lornoxicam and Diclofenac in Patients of Musculo Skeleta lDisorder. Int J Pharm Sci Res, 2012; Vol. 3(9): 3407-3411.
  1. Association of Vitamin D level with disease severity and quality of life in newly diagnosed patient of Ulcerative Colitis: A cross-sectional analysis: Cureus 13(7), Jul 2021, Dash KR, Panda CR, Das HS, Mishra D, Behera SK, Parida PK
  2. A Study on the Temporal Trends in the Etiology of Cirrhosis of Liver in Coastal Eastern Odisha: Eurasian Journal of Hepato-gastroenterology.January-June 2020:Vol 10(1):1 – 6: Debakanta Mishra, Kaibalya R Dash, Chittaranjan Khatua, Subhendu Panigrahi, Prasanta K Parida, Sambit K Behera, Rakesh K Barik, Subhasis Pradhan, Saroj K Sahu, Bhaskar Thakur, Shivaram P Singh
  3. A prospective study on incidence, risk factors, and validation of a risk score for post-infection irritable bowel syndrome in coastal eastern India:
    Prasanta Kumar Parida , Debakanta Mishra , Girish Kumar Pati , Preetam Nath , Kaibalya Ranjan Dash , Sambit Kumar Behera , Suryakanta Parida , Chitta Ranjan Khatua , Subhendu Panigrahi , Amarendra Mahapatra , Hemant Kumar Khuntia , Shivaram Prasad Singh.
  4. Hepato-biliary alteration in ulcerative colitis: A report from a Tertiary Care Center in Odisha: Journal of Gastroenterology, Pancreatology and Liver Disorders: June 2018: vol 6(4): 1-12: Pradeep Kumar Padhi, Chitta Ranjan Panda, Shivaram Prasad Singh, Haribhakti Seba Das, Jimmy Narayan, Preetam Nath, Prasanta kumar Parida, Kaibalya Ranjan Dash, Sambit Kumar Behera, Surya Kanta Parida
  5. High Incidence of Zidovudine Induced Anaemia in HIV Infected
    Patients in Southern Odisha:Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus (Apr-June 2015) 31(2):247–250:Kaibalya Ranjan Dash • Lalit Kumar Meher •
    P. K. Hui • S. K. Behera • S. N. Nayak
  1. Association of Vitamin D level with disease severity and quality of life in newly diagnosed patient of Ulcerative Colitis: A cross-sectional analysis: Cureus 13(7), Jul 2021, Dash KR, Panda CR, Das HS, Mishra D, Behera SK, Parida PK
  2. Singh, Shivaram P. MBBS, MD, DM, FSGEI, FACG1; Behera, Sambit K. MBBS, MD1; Parida, Suryakant MBBS, MD1; Dash, Kaibalya R. MBBS, MD1; Parida, Prasanta K. MBBS, MD1; Nath, Preetam MBBS, MD1; Pati, Girish MBBS, MD, PhD1; Mishra, Debakanta MBBS, MD1; Singh, Sudha K. BSc., MSc2 Awareness of Hepatitis B and C Among Community Barbers in Coastal Odisha in India, American Journal of Gastroenterology: October 2017 – Volume 112 – Issue – p S576
  3. Singh A, Parida S, Narayan J, Nath P, Padhi Pradeep K, Pati Girish K, Parida Prasanta K, Meher C, Agrawal O, Singh Shivaram P. Simple Anthropometric Indices are Useful for Predicting Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease [NAFLD] in Asian Indians. J Clin Exp Hepatol. 2017;7(4):310-315. doi:10.1016/j.jceh.2017.05.005
  4. Singh, S.P., Padhi, P.K., Narayan, J, Singh A, Pati Girish K, Nath P, Parida Prasanta K, Mishra S. Socioeconomic impact of alcohol in patients with alcoholic liver disease in eastern India. Indian J Gastroenterol 35, 419–424 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12664-016-0699-z
  5. Swain M, Nath P, Parida PK, Narayan J, Padhi PK, Pati GK, Singh A, Misra B, Misra D, Kar SK, Panigrahi MK, Meher C, Agrawal O, Rout N, Pattnaik K, Bhuyan P, Mishra PK, Singh SP. Biochemical Profile of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients in Eastern India with Histopathological Correlation. Indian J Clin Biochem. 2017;32(3):306-314. doi:10.1007/s12291-016-0612-7
  6. Singh, Shivaram P. DM; Nath, Preetam MD; Singh, Ayaskanta DM; Misra, Bijay DM; Misra, Debasis DM; Pati, Girish K. DM; Narayan, Jimmy MD; Parida, Prasanta K. MD; Padhi, Pradeep K. MD Serum ALT Is an Independent Predictor of Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance in Patients of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, American Journal of Gastroenterology: October 2016 – Volume 111 – Issue – p S394-S395
  7. Padhi P, Narayan J, Nath P, Parida P, Dash, K, Behera S, Parida S, Pati G, Panda C, Singh SP Hepatobiliary Alterations in Ulcerative Colitis: A Report from a Tertiary Care Centre in Odisha. J Clin Exp Hepatol. 2016;6:S84. doi:10.1016/j.jceh.2016.06.140
  8. Parida S, Nath P, Singh A, Pati G, Singh SP, Dash K, Behera S, Parida P. Comparison of Clinical and Laboratory Profile Between Alcoholic and Cryptogenic Cirrhosis in Coastal Odisha. J Clin Exp Hepatol.2016;6:S46. doi:10.1016/j.jceh.2016.06.090
  9. Parida PK, Mishra D, Pati GK, et al. A prospective study on incidence, risk factors, and validation of a risk score for post-infection irritable bowel syndrome in coastal eastern India. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2019;38(2):134-142. doi:10.1007/s12664-019-00943-w
  10. Pati GK, Panda S, Parida S, Narayan J, Padhi PK, Parida P, Nath P, Jayasingh SC, Panda C, Singh SP. Profile of Colonoscopic Findings in a Tertiary Care Centre in Coastal Eastern India. Orissa Medical journal. 2016;36(1):54-8
1 Dehury S, Mohapatra S, Das HS, Goutam S, Kaushik C. Efficacy and safety analysis of prucalopride in refractory chronic constipation cases in a tertiary care hospital in Eastern India: A randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled study. Indian J Pharmacol. 2023 Jan-Feb;55(1):6-13. doi: 10.4103/ijp.ijp_530_22. PMID: 36960515; PMCID: PMC10204899.
2 Efficacy Of Peppermint Oil In Irritable Bowel Syndrome ,Journal of medical sciences and health/Jan-April 2022/Volume 8/issue 1
3 Association of Vitamin D level with disease severity and quality of life in newly diagnosed patient of Ulcerative Colitis: A cross-sectional analysis: Cureus 13(7), Jul 2021, Dash KR, Panda CR, Das HS, Mishra D, Behera SK, Parida PK
4 Vyas K, Sawant P, Rathi P, Das HS, Borse N. Foreign bodies in gut. J Assoc Physicians India. 2000 Apr; 48(4):394-6.
5 Das HS, Rathi P, Sawant P, Chodankar CM, Vyas K, Patrawala V, Dhadphale S. Colonic tuberculosis: colonoscopic appearance and clinico-pathologic analysis. .J Assoc Physicians India. 2000 Jul; 48(7):708-10.
6 Patraval V, Rathi P, Sawant P, Vyas K, Das HS. Endoscopic sclerotherapy in children with extrahepatic portal venous obstruction. Trop Gastroenterol. 2001 Jul-Sep;22(3):137-40.
7 Amarapurkar D, Das HS. Chronic liver disease in diabetes mellitus. Trop Gastroenterol. 2002 Jan-Mar;23(1):3-5.
8 Amarapurkar D, Das HS .Thymosin alpha in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B: an uncontrolled open-label trial. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2002 Mar-Apr;21(2):59-61.
9 Amarapurkar D, Das HS. Management of hepatitis B and C in renal failure and renal transplant recipients. Trop Gastroenterol. 2002 Apr-Jun;23(2):49-53.
10 Vyas K, Gala B, Sawant P, Das HS, Kulhalli PM, Mahajan SS. Assessment of portal hemodynamics by ultrasound color Doppler and laser Doppler velocimetry in liver cirrhosis. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2002 Sep-Oct; 21(5):176-8.
11 Sharma A, Pandey AK, Radhakrishnan M, Kumbhani D, Das HS, Desai N. Endoscopic management of anal protrusion of ventriculo-peritoneal shunt. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2003 Jan-Feb;22(1):29-30.
12 Amarapurkar D, Das HS, Gangwal S, Desai PB. Gastric lipoma presenting with dyspepsia. J Assoc Physicians India. 2003 Feb; 51:227-8.
13 Das HS, Punamiya S, Kalokhe S, Desai N, Amarapurkar D, Sawant P. Budd-Chiari syndrome treated with transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. J AssocPhysicians India. 2003 Mar;51: 309-10.
14 Das HS, Desai N, SawantP.Toothbrush ingestion: a rare accident. Trop Gastroenterol. 2003 Jul-Sep;24(3):163
15 Desai N, Patil S, Thakur BS, Das HS, Manjunath SM, Sawant P. Abdominal wall abscess secondary to subcapsular tubercular liver abscess. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2003 Sep-Oct;22(5):190-1
16 Patil S, Das HS, Desai N, Manjunath SM, Thakur BS, Sawant P Caroli’s syndrome–a rare cause of portal hypertension. J Assoc Physicians India. 2004 Mar; 52:261.
17 Amarapurkar D, Makesar M, Amarapurkar A, Das HS. Helicobacter pylori eradication: efficacy of conventional therapy in India.TropDoct. 2004 Apr;34(2):101-2
18 Sawant P, Das HS, Desai N, Kalokhe S, Patil S. Comparative evaluation of the efficacy and tolerability of itopride hydrochloride and domperidone in patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia.JAssoc Physicians India. 2004 Aug; 52:626-8.
19 BijayMisra, Chittaranjan Panda, HaribhaktiSeba Das, Kinshuk Chandra Nayak, Shivaram Prasad Singh. Study on Awareness about Hepatitis B viral infection in coastal Eastern India. Hepatitis B Annual 2009, vol: 6(1):19-28.
20 Satabdi Nanda, C R Panda, H S Das, S. Biswal, T R Swain. Utilisation pattern of prebiotics and probiotics and their cost effective analysis in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders in a tertiary care hospital: HESI Bulletin – 2010
21 Martina Mohanty, R. Samal, C. R. Panda, U. C. Patra, H. S. Das, S. Mohanty, R. Panda. Study of safety profiles of a newer gastroprokinetic agent, Levosulpiride in patients of gastrointestinal motility disorders: HESI Bulletin – 2011
22 Arya Pradhan, R Samal, C.R.Panda, H S Das, S Biswal, S Mohanty, M Patra: Study of utilisation pattern and adverse reactions of gastroprokinetic drugs in patients with gastrointestinal motility disorders. HESI Bulletin – 2011.
23 Das HS, Panda C, Padhi S, Singh SP. Endoscopic diagnosis of a case of malignant melanoma. Trop Gastroenterol. 2012 Oct-Dec;33(4):296-7.
24 Panigrahi R, Biswas A, Banerjee A, Singh SP, Panigrahi MK, Roque-Afonso AM, Das HS, Mahapatra PK, Chakrabarti S, Chakravarty R. Subgenotype D5, BCP and MHR mutations in hepatic complications among hepatitis B virus infected patients from Orissa, India.Infect Genet Evol. 2012 Dec;12(8):1622-9
25 Singh S P, Panigrahi M K, Misra D, Misra B, Kar S. K, Panda C.R, Das H. S, Agrawal O, Meher C. Barium emesis during barium enema study: a definitive sign of gastrojejunocolic fistula. Trop Gastroenterol. 2013 Oct-Dec;34(4):273-4.
26 HaribhaktiSeba Das, Chittaranjan Panda, Shivaram Prasad Singh, Ashok Kumar Mallick, BijayMisra, DebasisMisra. Thalamic infarct in a case of severe ulcerative colitis. World Journal of Colorectal Surgery (2013), 3(1), article 11.
27 HaribhaktiSeba Das, Chittaranjan Panda, Shivaram Prasad Singh, BijayMisra, Manjushree Nayak, Rabi Narayan Mallik, Sanjib Kumar Kar, Manas Kumar Panigrahi, DebasisMisra. Colovesical Fistula: A Rare Presentation of Colonic Tuberculosis. World Journal of Colorectal Surgery (2013) 3(1), article12.
28 C R Panda, H S Das, S K Behera, P Nath. Retrospective analysis of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography( ERCP) procedures in a tertiary care centre in coastal Odisha. International journal of research in medical sciences 2017
29 C R Panda, BijayMisra, , S K Behera, H S Das, S P Singh. A study on changing clinical profile of chronic pancreatitis from a tertiary care centre. International Journal of scientific study 2017
30 H S Das, C R Panda, S K Behera. Peptic ulcer disease in the proton pump inhibitor (PPI) era in coastal Odisha. International Journal of scientific study 2017
31 Pati, G. K., Singh, A., Misra, B., Misra, D., Das, H. S., Panda, C., & Singh, S. P. Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF) in Coastal Eastern India: “A Single-Center Experience.” Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology. 2016 Mar; 6(1), 26–32
32 Narayan J, Das HS, Nath P, Singh A, Mishra D, Padhi PK, Singh SP. Endothelial Dysfunction, a Marker of Atherosclerosis, Is Independent of Metabolic Syndrome in NAFLD Patients. Int J Hepatol. 2020 Jul 17;2020:1825142
33 Girish Kumar Pati, HaribhaktiSeba Das, Prasanta Kumar Parida, ChittaRanjan Panda .Profile of Extrahepatic Obstruction in Costal Eastern region of Odisha, A single center Experience: International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research: February 2020: Vol 5(1): 241-249:
34 Pradeep Kumar Padhi, ChittaRanjan Panda, Shivaram Prasad Sing, HaribhaktiSeba Das, Jimmy Narayan, Preetam Nath, PrasantakumarParida, KaibalyaRanjan Das, Sambit Kumar Behera, Surya KantaParidaHepato-biliary alteration in ulcerative colitis: A report from a Tertiary Care Center in Odisha: Journal of Gastroenterology, Pancreatology and Liver Disorders: June 2018: vol 6(4): 1-12:
35 BijayMisra, DebasisMisra, Ayaskanta Singh, Girish Kumar Pati, Sanjib Kumar Kar, Manas Kumar Panigrahi, HaribhaktiSeba Das, ChittaRanjan Panda, PranatiMisra, Rabi Narayan Mallik, Shivaram Prasad Singh.Hepaticsarcoidosis masquerading as tuberculosis: Hamdan medical journal ,2016, Volume 9,Page : 243-246.