Professor And HOD
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Dr. Susmita Behera
Associate Professor
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Asst. Professor
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Sl. No. Publication List
  1. Sahoo BB, Mahapatra S, Mishra S, Mishra D, Panigrahy R and Parida P. Prevalence of Red Cell Alloantibodies in Pregnant Women. Haematol Int J 2020, 4(1): 000154. (10.23880/hij-16000154)
  2. SahuA, ParidaP, MahapatraS, SahooBB.Detection of red cell alloantibodies in thalassemia patients. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2020;7:419-23.
  3. Mishra D, Parida P, Mahapatra S, Sahoo BB. Resolving blood group discrepancy in patients of the tertiary care center in Odisha, India. Int J Res Med Sci 2018;6:2348-53. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20182815)
  4. Mahapatra S, Sahoo BB , Ray GK , Mishra D, Panigrahi R, Parida  DISCARD OF BLOOD AND BLOOD COMPONENTS WITH STUDY OF CAUSES – A GOOD MANUFACTURE PRACTICE. wjpmr 2017;3(2): 172-175
  5. Mahapatra S, Mishra D, Sahoo D, Sahoo BB. Study of Prevalence of A2, A2B along with major ABO Blood Groups to minimize the transfusion reactions. International Journal of Scientific Research 2016;5(3):189-90. (DOI : 10.36106/ijsr)
  6. Mahapatra S, Mishra D, Ray GK , Sahoo BB , Panigrahi R,  Patjoshi S. Analysis Of The Causes And Study Of Frequency Of Donor Deferral For Blood Donation. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2016;15(9):122-124. (DOI: 10.9790/0853-150909122124).

International Journals

  1. Parai D, Choudhary HR, Dash G, Behera S, Mishra N, Pattnaik D, Raghav SK, Mishra Sk, Sahoo SK, Swain A, Mohapatra I, Pattnaik M, Moharana A, Jena SR, Praharaj I, Subhadra S, Kanungo S, Bhattacharya D, PatiS(2022), Dynamicity and persistence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 antibody response after double dose and third dose with BBV-152 and AZD1222 vaccines: A prospective, longitudinal cohort study.Front Microbial. 13:942659. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2022.942659
  2. Mahapatra S. Parida P, Prasad CR, Behera S et al. Adaptation of a Public–Private Partnership Model for the Implementation of Minipool Nucleic Acid Testing for Screening Routine Blood Donations and the Evaluation of Assay: A Multi-Center Study from Odisha, India.Journal of Laboratory Physicians 2022. DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1748825
  3. Behera S, Sahoo N R, Panigrahi R, Prasad CR, Convalescent plasma extraction: Our recent experience. Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021;11(3):557-560
  4. Prasad CR, Mohapatra DK, Behera S, Implementation of nucleic acid testing for transfusion transmitted infection screening of blood donation in a tertiary care centre in Odisha. Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences 2021;11(3):561-564
  5. Choudhary HR, Parai D, Chandra Dash G, Kshatri JS, Mishra N, Choudhary PK, Pattnaik D, Panigrahi K, Behera S, RanjanSahoo N, Pati S et al (2021), Persistence of Antibodies Against Spike Glycoprotein of SARS-CoV2 in Healthcare Workers Post double dose of BBV-152 and AZD 122 Vaccines. Front, Med. 8:778129. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.778129
  6. Prasad CR, Behera S, Sharma Y, Alloimunisatoipn in sickle cell patients of Western Odisha: A tertiary care centre study. Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences 2021;11(2):280-283
  7. Susmita B. Mohanty S, Nayak PP, Papillary serous adenocarcinoma of cervix- report of three cases, European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutic Sciences, 2018; 5(12): 417-421
  8. Tripathy PK, Susmita B, Mohanty HK: Cellular Congenital MesoblasticNephroma in a Newborn. Journal of Neonatal Surgery(2017);Vol (6)45.. Doi:10.20699/jns.v6i2.564
  9. Susmita B, Kar A, Rath G, Biswal P: Oncocytic variant of Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of palate with extensive clear cell change: Arare case at unusual site. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health sciences, 2016, Vol-6, Issue 1:1426-1428.
  10. Priyadarshini Biswal, Susmita Behera, Asaranti Kar, Dilleswari Pradhan, Pradeep Kumar Behera, Subrat Burma, Chandraprava Mishra (2015) Correlation of Hormonal Receptors Estrogen Receptor, Progesterone Receptor and Her-2/Neu with Tumor Characteristics in Breast Carcinoma: Study of 100 Consecutive Cases. International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 6, 961-966. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ijcm.2015.612126
  11. Asaranti Kar, Tushar Kar, GD Nayak, Biswal P, Susmita B, S Naik (2015) Gastroschisis with Multiple Skeletal Deformities, Imperforate Anus and Absent Genitalia : A Rare Presentationn-Case Report. International Journal of Forensic Science & Pathology (IJFP). ISSN 2332-287X
  12. Kar A, Biswal P, Susmita B, IpsitaDhal, Surabhi (2015) Cytologic Interpretation of MelanoticNeuroectodermal Tumour of Infancy Involving Cranial Bones: Clue to Diagnosis – Case Report-  Pathology Section.   Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2015 Sep, Vol-9(9): ED12-ED14.  DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/13691.6494
  13. Kar A, Kar T, Biswal P, Susmita B:Gastrochisis with multiple skeletal deformities, Imperforate Anus and Absent Genitalia: A rare presentation. International Journal of Forensic Science & Pathology,2015,3(10),190-192.
  14. Kar A, Pradhan D. Pahi J, Patra M, Susmita B: Autopsy findings in a case of Ellis Van Crevald Syndrome with review of literature. International Journal of Clinical Medicine,2014,5,851-854.
  15. Dutta G, Kar A, MallickR, Susmita B: Squash Cytology of endoscopic biopsy specimen in gastrointestinal lesions. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences,2013, Vol-3, Issue-4:854-859.
  16. Mohapatra S, Das R, Mohapatra C, RathJ, Susmita B (2012) Aspergillosis in Hydatid cyst- A Rare Coexistence. VirolMycol 1:106. Doi:10 4172/2161-0517.1000106.
  17. Kar A, Kar T, Mohanty P, Susmita B, Nayak M (2012). Autopsy findings in thoraco-omphalopagus conjoined twin with single heart and liver. Case Reports in Pathology( 2012) .Article ID 129323,doi 10.1155/2012/129323.
  18. Kar A, KarT, Susmita B, Palai S, Nanda M. Primary small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of vagina –A rare entity at rare site. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health sciences (2012). Vol-2, Issue-4: 448-450, 2012.
    1. State Journals
  19. Susmita B, Kar A, Nayak M: Primary Isolated renal hydatid disease presenting as complex renal lesion: A study of 3 case reports. Odisha Journal of Pathology and Microbiology,Vol(19), 2016
  20. Kar A, Mishra P, Susmita B:Triple negative breast cancer: Correlation with clinicopathological characteristics and prognostic markers. Odisha Journal of Pathology and Microbiology,Vol(19), 2016
  21. Rath G, Sahu P, Susmita B: Anti aging genes: A step forward towards immortality: Odisha Journal of Pathology and Microbiology,Vol(19), 2016
  22. Behera Susmita, Kar A, Rath G, Burma S: Oncocytic variant of mucoepidermoid carcinoma- Recent entity at rare site. Odisha Journal of Pathology and Microbiology,Vol(18), 2015.
  23. Rath G, Kar A, Behera Susmita :Xanthogranulomatous endometritis : A case report. Odisha Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, Vol (18), 2015.
  24. Kar A, Behera Susmita, BiswalP : Variants of Ameloblastoma. Odisha Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, Vol (18),2015.
  25. Behera Susmita, Kar A, Rath G, Burma S: Oncocytic variant of mucoepidermoid carcinoma- Recent entity at rare site. Odisha Journal of Pathology and Microbiology,Vol(18), 2015.
  26. Rath G, Kar A, Behera Susmita :Xanthogranulomatous endometritis : A case report. Odisha Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, Vol (18), 2015.
  27. Kar A, Behera Susmita, BiswalP : Variants of Ameloblastoma. Odisha Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, Vol (18),2015.
  28. Kar A, Kar T, Behera Susmita, Rath G. Morphologic interpretation of Gestational Trophoblastic disease- a challenge to pathologists: Odisha Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, Vol (17),2014.
  29. Pattnaik K, Bhuyan P, Dutta G, Behera Susmita : Interpretation of liver biopsy : Our experience at SCB Medical College, Cuttack. Liver pathology workhshop 2012: 6-7,2012.
  30. Behera Susmita, Kar A, Mohanty P, Rath J: Co-existent of hydatidiform mole and term fetus : A detailed autopsy study. Orissa Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, vol(14):55-56,2011.
  31. Behera Susmita, Kar A, PattnaikK : Endoscopic evaluation of Gastrointestinal lesion with special reference to MALT lymphoma. Hesi bulletin, vol 7: 12-16,2011.
  32. Biswala P, Kar A, Behera Susmita : A rare encounter with malignant mixed mulleriantumor of uterus in an elderly lady with omental metastasis. OJPM, vol14 : 59-60,2011.
  33. Bhuyan P, Mohanty P, Behera Susmita, Gouda K: Multicentric giant cell tumor of tendon sheath : A rare entity. OJPM, vol14 : 65,2011.ss
  34. Behera Susmita, Kar A, Pattnaik K: Histopathologic evaluation of subcutaneous nodules with special emphasis on tumors of epidermal appendages. OJPM ,vol 13: 14- 18, 2010.
  35. Pradhan D, Bhuyan P, Behera Susmita : Spectrum of bone lesions in referral hospitals of Odisha. OJPM, vol 13: 7-9,2010.
  36. Behera Susmita, Dei KL, Mishra DP :Clinicopathological study of Pediatrictumors. OJPM, vol 12 : 10-13, 2009.
  1. Mahapatra S. Parida P, Prasad CR, et al.Adaptation of a Public–Private Partnership Model for the Implementation of Minipool Nucleic Acid Testing for Screening Routine Blood Donations and the Evaluation of Assay: A Multi-Center Study from Odisha, India.Journal of Laboratory Physicians 2022. DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1748825
  2. Mahapatra S. SARS COV-2- IgG antibodies in blood donors in pandemic – a game changer for policy makers. Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tracli.2021.10.004
  3. Mahapatra S, Rattan R, Mohanty CBK. Convalescent Plasma Therapy in the management of COVID-19 patients- The newer dimensions. TransfusClin Biol.2021  28: 246–2532021. doi: 1016/j.tracli.2021.04.009
  4. Mahapatra S, Constraints and challenges in convalescent plasma collection amidst the COVID 19 pandemic- strategies and recommendations to overcome these. Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 2021, 28;175-179
  5. Ray GK, Mishra D, Jena RK, MahapatraS,Palai S, ParidaAA.Clinical Profile and severity of Hemolysis in Adult Patients of Primary autoimmune Hemolytic anemia and their Response to Steroid: A Prospective Cohort Study from Single institution. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus2020:https://doi.org/10.1007/s12288-020-01326-4
  6. Ray GK,Mahapatra S, Mishra D, Parida P, Jena RK, PanigrahyR.Immunohematological work-up,severity analysis and transfusion support in autoimmune hemolytic anemia patients. ISBT Science Series 2020:0:1-6
  7. Sahoo BB. Mahapatra S, Mishra S, Mishra D, Panigrahy R, Parida P. Prevalence of red cell alloantibodies in preganant Women. Hematology International Jr 2020; 4:1-9
  8. Sahu A, Parida P, Mahapatra S, Sahoo BB. Detection of red cell alloantibodies in thalassemia patients. International Jr of ContempPediatr 2020; 7:419-423
  9. Mishra D, Ray GK, MahapatraS,Parida P. ABO Typing Resolution and transfusion support in a case of an Acute leukemia patient Showing loss of antigen expression. Cancer translational Medicine 2019; 5: 80-82
  10. Mahapatra S, Panda BB, Palai S, Sahoo BB, Parida P. Hyperhemolysis syndrome by Bystander mechanism in siblings with sickle cell disease. Trends in Medicine 2019; 19:1-4
  11. MahapatraS,Panda BB. Study of Alloimmunization against Red Blood Cell antigens in Multi- transfused Patients. International Jr of Medical science and current Research 2019;2: 535-542
  12. MahapatraS,Palai S, Parida. Hemovigilance- A stepping door to enhancement of blood safety with reporting of adverse reactions in blood donation and transfusion. International Jr of Medical science and current Research 2019;2: 330-338
  13. MahapatraS,Palai S, ParidaP,Das P. Screening of blood donors by ELISA & Nucleic acid amplification testing along with notification to TTI reactive cases- A comprehensive measure for blood safety. International Jr of Medical science and current Research 2019;2: 501-508
  14. Mahapatra S, Ray GK. Analysis of donor deferral pattern in plateletpheresis along with recommendations for the modification of the selection criteria. International Journal of Scientific Research 2018;7:398-400
  15. Ray GJ, Mishra D,Mahapatra S, PalaiS,et al. Rifampicin-induced hemolytic anemia: A rare case report. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research 2018; 1:221-223
  16. Mishra D, Parida P, Mahapatra S, Sahoo BB. Resolving blood group discrepancy in patients of Tertiary Care Center in Odisha, India. International journal of research in medical sciences 2018; 6:2348-53
  17. Mahapatra S, Ray GK, Panigrahi R, ParidaP.The incidence and spectrum of transfusion transmitted infections among blood donors. Int J Res Med Sci 2018;6: 904-907
  18. MahapatraS,Panigrahi R, Mishra D,Ray GK, Parida P. Bombay Blood group- detection and study of prevalence of this rare phenotype along with the transfusion recommendations. Int J Sci Res 2018;7: 36-38
  19. Sahoo D, MahapatraS,ParidaP,Panigrahi R. Various Aspects of Plateletpheresis: Its Impact on Donor and patients. Global J Transfusion Medicine 2017;2:149-54
  20. MahapatraS,SahooBB,RayGK,Mishra R, et al.Discard of Blood and Blood Components with study of causes – A Good Manufacturing Practice. World Jr of Pharmaceutical and Medical research 2017,3,172-175
  21. Sahoo D, MahapatraS,Nayak R, Mishra D. No transfusion is the best transfusion. Thalassemia report 2017:7;6174
  22. Mahapatra S, Ray GK, Panigrahi R, Mishra D,et al. Platelet audit: To weigh the rationality between requirement and uses in blood transfusion. International Jr of research in Medical Sciences 2016:4;4548-4551
  23. Mahapatra S, Mishra D, Ray GK, Sahoo BB, et al. Analysis of the causes and study of frequency of donor deferral for blood donation. Jr of Dental and Medical Sciences 2016:15;122-124
  24. Mahapatra S, Sahoo D, Patjoshi S, Mishra D. Adverse events in blood donors & adoption of measures to reduce such occurance. Internatinal Journal of Medical Research Professinals2016;2:62-65
  25. Mahapatra S, Ray GK,Bhuyan P. The Trend of Transfusion Transmitted Infections among the Blood Donors in Five Years; With Special Focus on Reducing the HIV Transmission.EC Bacteriology and Virology Research 2016:2;49-5
  26. MahapatraS,MishraD,SahooD,SahooBB.Study of Prevalence of A2,A2B along with major ABO Blood Groups to minimize the transfusion reactions.International Jr of Scientific Research 2016:5;189-90
  27. Sahoo D, MahapatraS,Nayak R, Mishra D. A rare case of thalassemia intermedia with multiple alloantibodies. Jr of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences 2016:5;401-406
  28. MahapatraS .Prevalence of Transfusion Transmitted Infections Giving Importance to HIV in Screening of Healthy Blood Donors and the Challenges Clin Res HIV/AIDS 2015:1; 1013.
  29. Kar A,KarT,MahapatraS,Dehury P. Intra-operative cytodiagnosis of primaryovarianchoriocarcinoma with Ki67 immunoexpression.Jr of Cytology 2015:32;139-41
  30. Mahapatra S, Sahoo D, Patjoshi S, Sahu A, et al, Distribution And Prevalence Of ABO and Rh Phenotype Blood Groups In Eastern India.J Pharm Biomed Sci2014; 04(08):712-714
  31. Mahapatra S, SahuA,SahuD,PatjoshiS,Parida P. Platelet transfusion in a dengue epidemic as per recent WHO classification.International Jr of clinical trial 2014;3;27-30
  32. MahapatraS,SahuA,Patjoshi S, SahooD,MishraS,ParidaP.Role of Coomb’Testin analysis of ImmunohematologicalCases.International Jr of Medical Science and Clinical Invention 2014;1:69-74
  33. Mahapatra S, Kar A, Kar T, Das U. Glomus Tumor in Vulva with Uncertain Malignant Potential. Jr of Women’s Health,issues& Care 2013;2:5
  34. MahapatraS,KarA,BhuyanP,BiswalP,et al. Cytohistomorphological identification of congenital mesenchymal hamartoma of chest wall.Jr of Solid Tumors 2013;3: 7-11
  35. Mahapatra S,DhalI,NayakM,Mahapatro.Cherubism –A case report.JAcad Indus Res 2013;9:565-67
  36. Mahapatra S,DasBP,KarA,DasR,etal.Cavernous Hemangioma of uterine Cervixin Pregnancy Mimicking Cervical Fibroid 2012. Jr of Obsterics and gynecology of India 2013;63:288-290
  37. MahapatraS,MahapatroS,BhuyanP,Pattanaik et al. Cytodiagnosis of tubercular dactylitis with skin and lymph node lesions in an immunocopetantpatient.J of Cytology & Histology 2012;3:4
  38. MahapatraS,DasR,BeheraS,RathJ.Aspergillosis in hydatid cyst- A rare VirolMycol 2012;1:106
  39. MahapatraS,MahapatroS,SethyS,MohantyP,etal.Basal Ganglion infart in an infant with sickle cell disease- A rare association.J Blood Disorders Tranfusion 2012;3:125
  40. BhuyanP,PattnaikK,KarA,BrahmaRC,MahapatraS.Cryptococcal Lymphadenitis in HIV: A Chance Diagnosis by FNAC.Jr of Diagnostic Cytopathology 2012;41:456-458
  41. MahapatraS,DasB,KarA,Das R.et al. A cavernous hemangioma of the uterinecervix during pregnancy.SouthAfr J GynaecolOncol 2012;4:63-65
  42. BhuyanP,MahapatraS,KarA,Kar T.et al.Cervical polyp: an unusual presentation of carcinosarcoma. South Afr J GynaecolOncol2012;4:36-37
  43. Sethy S,MahapatroS,JenaR,BuyanP,MahapatraS.Idiopathic atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome ( aHUS) with trilineagemyelodysplasia.Indian J HematolBloodTransfus 2012;28:44-46
  44. BhuyanP,MahapatraSR,MahapatraS,SethyS,etal.Extraovarian primary peritoneal papillary serous carcinoma: Arch GynecolObstet 2010; 281:561- 564
  45. MahaptraS.Epithelial-Myoepithelial Carcinoma of Parotid – A Rare Case Report.Webmed central 2011;2(12):WMCOO2566
  46. BhuyanP,MahapatraSR,MahapatraS,SethyS.Congenital infantile Fibrosacoma- A rare case report: Journal of Pediatric Sciences 2010; 10; e58
  47. BhuyanP,MahapatraS,PujariS,RathJ.Signet-Ring change in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia- A rare case report: WebmedCentral  UROLOGY 2010; 1(9):WNCOO688
  48. Anti nuclear antibody in an immunocompetant patient with disseminated Tuberculosis- A diagnostic dilemma: Indian Medical Gazette: August 2009: CXLII (8)
  49. MahapatraS,SethyS,MahapatraA,BhuyanP,Mahapatra S .Hairy Cell Leukemia- Current Concepts: The Antiseptic June 2009; 106(6):278-279
  50. MahapatraS,SethyS,MahapatraA,BhuyanP,MahapatraS,etal.Disseminatedcryptococcal lymphadenitis and meningitis in AIDs: The Antiseptic May 2009; 106(5):217-218
  51. MishraA,TripathyK,MahapatraS,etal.Fine Needle Aspiration of Langerhans`CellHistocytosis Confined to Lymph Node: The Antiseptic September 2008;105(9):427-428
  52. MahapatraS,MahapatraS,SethyS,BhuyanP.Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease- A rarecase report: Indian Medical Gazette 2008; CXLII (5):206-207
  53. Mahapatra SR,BhuyanP,SethySM,MahapatraS.Tumor Angiogenesis and Antiangiogenic Therapy – Current Concepts 2008; CXLII(8):315-320
  54. Bhuyan P, TripathyK,PujariS,Mahapatra S.et al.Cytodiagnosis of glialHeterotopia in Scalp. The Antiseptic April 2008:105(4);166-167
  55. Bhuyan P, Tripathy K, Mishra A,Gastric Adenocarcinoma Metastatic to Myometrium. The Antiseptic February 2008:105(2)61-62
  56. Mahapatra S,KhalkhoJ,DeyA,etal.Primary Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma ofbreast.The Antiseptic May 2006:103(5);267-268
  57. MahapatraS,Kar A, KarT.Synchronous endometrial and ovarian clear cell carcinoma: A rare occurrence. Odisha Journal of Pathology & Microbiology 2013 ; 16:70-71
  58. Mahapatra S,DasR,KarK,Das B.et al. Epithelial myoepithelial carcinoma mimicking pleomorphic adenoma cytologically.Odisha J of Pathology & Microbiology.2012.15:83-85
  59. Mahapatra S,DasB,HazraK,Kar A.et al.Xathogranulomatouspelonephritis in a female child. Odisha J of Pathology & Microbiology.2010.13:40-41
  60. Mondal S, Mahapatra S, Brahma R,KarA,et al. Proteomics. Odisha J of Pathology & Microbiology.2010.13:36-37
  61. Mahapatra SR,SethySM,MahapatraS.Hairy cell leukemia-current concepts.Orissa J Pathol. Microbiol2008;11:31-33
  62. MahapatraSR,SethySM,BuyanP,Mahapatra S Idiopathic Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia with recurrent massive bilateral pleural effusion: Orissa Medical Journal   2007; 27(1):30-33
  63. Mahapatra S,KhalkoJ.diagnosticCytology,Jr of IIPA,Issues of Health Care and Population 2005;13:639-42.